Eternal Apprentices (reflections by Oriza Martins)
Eternal Apprentices
It has been said that we are all eternal apprentices…
And that a great mistake of us is that often we prefer being ruined by a compliment rather than be saved by a critic…
In fact, it is not always easy dealing with rejection…
There are some who always long for fitting in all models. Be aware of them.
Be aware of those who can be such unanimity, because the alchemists have failed in reaching a formula for perfection.
An acid critic may be devastating for our egos, but may also work as a bitter, however, effective medicine. Mainly because it leads us necessarily to a thoughtful position – which is the inevitable way to correct paths.
If you feel injustice defend yourself – without humiliation, but humble as a sensible apprentice…
There is nothing more pathetic and small than intellectual arrogance.
The review of old concepts is a deep secret of true apprentices…
The important thing is turning around in a continuous process of honest self-assessment.
In a worse hypothesis, keep the mood, remember the old adages:
If your life is a lemon… make a lemonade!
If stones are thrown at you… put them together and build a castle!
© Oriza Martins
Trad.Daiane da Silva
Love poems & reflections by Oriza Martins