- "It was a miracle — more
than a miracle — when I found you, Melanie. Right
now, if I was given the choice between having the
world back and having you, I wouldn't be able to
give you up. Not to save five billion lives."
- Jared Howe to Melanie Stryder, p. 78
- "You never know much time you'll have."
- This place was truly the highest and the lowest
of all worlds — the most beautiful senses, the most
exquisite emotions... the most malevolent desires,
the darkest deeds. Perhaps it was meant to be so.
Perhaps without the lows, the highs could not be
- And it wasn't just ripping, but twisting and
pulling in different directions. Because Melanie's
heart broke, too, and it was a separate sensation,
as if we'd grown another organ to compensate for our
twin awarenesses. A double heart for a double mind.
Twice the pain.
- I was all alone in my head — exactly what I had
once wanted. It made me feel lost.
"You stupid jackass," Ian said.
"Who's got the crush on a worm, bro? You gonna call
me stupid?"
- Ian and Kyle O'Shea, about Wanderer, p. 376

- "I am female," I complained. "That
'it' business is really getting on my nerves."
"By whose definition?"
"How about by yours? In my species, I am the one
that bears young. Is that not female enough for
- Wanderer and Jared Howe, p. 349
- "That's just great," someone said under his
breath. "We've got a bloody queen mother
alien living with us. She could blow into a
million new buggers at any moment."
- Anonymous man about Wanderer, p. 351
- It's not the face, but the expressions on
it. It's not the voice, but what you say. It's
not how you look in that body, but the things
you do with it. You are beautiful."
- Ian O'Shea to Wanderer, p. 390
- What was it that made this human love so
much more desirable to me than the love of my
own kind? Was it because it was exclusive and
capricious? The souls offered love and
acceptance to all. Did I crave a greater
challenge? This love was tricky; it had no
hard-and-fast rules — it might be given for
free, as with Jamie, or earned through time and
hard work, as with Ian, or completely and
heartbreakingly unattainable, as with Jared.
Or was it simply better somehow? Because these
humans could hate with so much fury, was the
other end of the spectrum that they could love
with more heart and zeal and fire?
- "You. Are. Not. Leaving. Me." His eyes
blazed — burning brighter than I had ever seen
them, blue flames.
- Ian O'Shea to Wanderer, p. 572
- "I held you in my hand, Wanderer. And you
were so beautiful."
- Ian O'Shea to Wanderer, p. 605
- "It's a strange world," I murmured, more to
myself than to the other native soul.
"The strangest," he agreed.
- Wanderer and Burns Living Flowers, p.