While in America beautiful is
skinny, in Barbados it's thick —
girls with huge butts and nice
- Allure magazine interview, January
* People ask me the most naive
questions. Someone asked me if we
have indoor toilets. I can't get
upset. They just don't know.
- On the world's lack of knowledge
about her native island, Barbados.
Allure magazine, January 2008.
* The hardest thing for me is to say
no. I feel like a bitch. But
sometimes I don't have a choice.
- On refusing to sign autographs
when approached by fans. Allure
magazine, January 2008.
* I was a little confused as a kid
because I grew up with my mom, and
my mom is black. So, I was cultured
in a very 'black' way. But when I go
to school, I'm getting called
'white.' They would look at me, and
they would curse me out. I didn't
understand. I just knew I saw people
of all different shades, and I was
light. Now, I'm in a much bigger
- Allure magazine, January 2008.

Marilyn Monroe Love Quotes
* She's Beyoncé, and I'm [Jay-Z's]
new protégée. When we see each other
we say hi. We're not enemies, but
we're not friends friends.
- Allure magazine, January 2008.
* People don't do them around me. I
would never allow it. The people who
are around me are people that I
love, and I don't want to see people
that I love hurt themselves.
- On drugs. Allure magazine, January
* He's one of my closest friends in
the industry. He makes me feel like
a teenager — I have to act and think
like an adult so much. He makes me
feel young again.
- On Chris Brown. Allure magazine,
January 2008.
* The label didn't want me to do
this look. But cutting my hair, it
made me stand out as an artist. I
don't care who likes it--this is me.
- Allure magazine, January 2008.
* [G]enetically my legs are supposed
to be huge. I can't really think
about it, or I'll go crazy.
- On working out. Allure magazine,
January 2008.
* They'd complain to my other
neighbor, who was very close to my
mom, so we always got the message:
I'm to loud. But we didn't really
care. They can't tell me what to do
in my house!
- On being scolded by her neighbors
in Barbados for singing too loudly
in the shower. Allure magazine,
January 2008.

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