They can because they think they
I am the greatest!
Muhammad Ali
Our deepest fear is not that we are
inadequate. Our deepest fear is that
we are powerful beyond measure. It
is our light, not our darkness, that
most frightens us. We ask ourselves,
who am I to be brilliant, gorgeous,
talented, and fabulous? Actually,
who are you not to be? You are a
child of God. Your playing small
doesn't serve the world. There's
nothing enlightened about shrinking
so that other people won't feel
insecure around you. We are all
meant to shine, as children do. We
are born to make manifest the glory
of God that is within us. It's not
just in some of us, it's in
everyone. And as we let our own
light shine, we unconsciously give
other people permission to do the
same. As we are liberated from our
own fear, our presence automatically
liberates others.
Marianne Williamson
Nothing can stop the man with the
right mental attitude from achieving
his goal; nothing on earth can help
the man with the wrong mental
Thomas Jefferson
We are what we repeatedly do.
Excellence, therefore, is not an act
but a habit.
We are what we think.
Our greatest glory is not in never
falling but in rising every time we
Victory belongs to the most
It's not the size of the dog in the
fight, but the size of the fight in
the dog.
Mark Twain
It's never too late to be what you
might have been.
George Eliot
We tend to get what we expect.
Norman Vincent Peale
This world is but canvas to our
Henry David Thoreau
No-one can make you feel inferior
without your consent.
Eleanor Roosavelt
Nothing will ever be attempted if
all possible objections must first
be overcome.
Samuel Jackson
The harder you work, the harder it
is to surrender.
Vince Lombardi
Whether you think you can or think
you can't, you are right.
Henry Ford
Every artist was first an amateur.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
The power of imagination makes us
John Muir
We become what we think about all
day long.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Life is either a daring adventure or
Helen Keller
The man of wisdom is never of two
minds; the man of benevolence never
worries; the man of courage is never
Happiness resides not in possessions
and not in gold; the feeling of
happiness dwells in the soul.

The greatest mistake you can make in
life is to continually be afraid you
will make one.
Elbert Hubbard
Do not wait for your ship to come in
- swim out to it
Author Unknown
There are no secrets to success. It
is the result of preparation, hard
work, learning from failure.
Colin Powell
This above all: to thine own self be
true, and it must follow, as the
night of the day, thou canst not
then be false to any man.
William Shakespeare
Good, better, best. Never let it
rest. Until your good is better and
your better is best.
Tim Duncan
Everybody pulls for David, nobody
roots for Goliath.
Wilt Chamberlain
Things that hurt, instruct.
Benjamin Franklin
To lose patience is to lose the
Mahatma Gandhi
Most of the shadows of this life are
caused by our standing in our own
Ralph Waldo Emerson
Do not anticipate trouble, or worry
about what may never happen. Keep in
the sunlight.
Benjamin Franklin
I never think of the future - it
comes soon enough.
Albert Einstein
It is the trouble that never comes
that causes the loss of sleep.
Charles Austin Bates
Worry often gives a small thing a
big shadow.
Swedish Proverb
I'm a great believer in luck, and I
find the harder I work, the more I
have of it
Thomas Jefferson
If you can imagine it, you can
achieve it; if you can dream it, you
can become it.
William Arthur Ward
Nothing great was ever achieved
without enthusiasm.
Ralph Waldo Emerson
We are still masters of our fate. We
are still captains of our souls.
Winston Churchill
Imagination is more important than
Albert Einstein
Every problem has in it the seeds of
its own solution. If you don't have
any problems, you don't have any
Norman Vincent Peale
One who fears failure limits his
activities. Failure is only the
opportunity to more intelligently
begin again.
Henry Ford
In the middle of difficulty lies
Albert Einstein
Ask yourself this question: "Will
this matter a year from now?"
Richard Carlson
Writing in Don't Sweat the Small
It's not the situation…… it's your
reaction to the situation.
Bob Conklin
The harder the conflict, the more
glorious the triumph.
Thomas Paine