* Whoever does not express his gratitude
to people will never be grateful to God.
o The Prophet Muhammad, reported in al-Tirmidhī,
al-Ţabarānī, Musnad Ahmad, Musnad Abū
Hanīfah, Musnad Abu Ya'la.
* Thankfulness is the tune of angels.
o Edmund Spenser, reported in Josiah
Hotchkiss Gilbert, Dictionary of Burning
Words of Brilliant Writers (1895), p.
* We can set our deeds to the music
of a grateful heart, and seek to
round our lives into a hymn — the
melody of which will be recognized
by all who come in contact with us,
and the power of which shall not be
evanescent, like the voice of the
singer, but perenninal, like the
music of the spheres.
o William Mackergo Taylor, reported
in Josiah Hotchkiss Gilbert,
Dictionary of Burning Words of
Brilliant Writers (1895), p. 290.
* Did you ever think of the reason
why the Psalms of David have come,
like winged angels, down across all
the realms and ages,— why they make
the key-note of grateful piety in
every Christian's soul, wherever he
lives? Why? Because they are so full
of gratitude. " Oh, that men would
praise the Lord for His goodness and
for His wonderful works to the
children of men!"
o Alphonso Albert Willits, reported
in Josiah Hotchkiss Gilbert,
Dictionary of Burning Words of
Brilliant Writers (1895), p. 290.
* Do not let the empty cup be your
first teacher of the blessings you
had when it was full. Do not let a
hard place here and there in the bed
destroy your rest. Seek, as a plain
duty, to cultivate a buoyant, joyous
sense of the crowded kindnesses of
God in your daily life.
o Alexander Maclaren, reported in
Josiah Hotchkiss Gilbert, Dictionary
of Burning Words of Brilliant
Writers (1895), p. 290.
* Gratitude is a virtue disposing
the mind to an inward sense and an
outward acknowledgment of a benefit
received, together with a readiness
to return the same, or the like, as
occasions of the doer of it shall
require, and the abilities of the
receiver extend to.
o Anonymous
* He who receives a good turn,
should never forget it: he who does
one, should never remember it.
o Pierre Charron
* O Lord, that lends me life, lend
me a heart replete with
o William Shakespeare
* What causes such a miscalculation
in the amount of gratitude which men
expect for the favors they have
done, is, that the pride of the
giver and that of the receiver can
never agree as to the value of the
o François de La Rochefoucauld
* If gratitude is due from children
to their earthly parents, how much
more is the gratitude of the great
family of man due to our Father in
o Hosea Ballou
* Express your appreciation,
sincerely and without the
expectation of anything in return.
Truly appreciate those around you,
and you'll soon find many others
around you. Truly appreciate life,
and you'll find that you have more
of it.
o Ralph Marston
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