"Blessed indeed is the man who hears
many gentle voices call him father!" ~
Lydia Maria Child
* "By profession, I am a soldier and
take pride in that fact. But I am
prouder, infinitely prouder, to be a
father." ~ General Douglas MacArthur
* "The father who does not teach his son
his duties is equally guilty as the son
who neglects them." ~ Confucius
* "Happy is the father whose child finds
his attempts to amuse it, amusing." ~
Robert Lynd

* "I could not point to any need in
childhood as strong as that for a
father's protection." ~ Sigmund
* "It doesn't matter who my father
was; it matters who I remember he
was." ~ Anne Sexton
* "Mommy would never divorce Daddy.
He's just like one of the family." ~
Bil Keane
* "My father used to shirk his
parental responsibilities by saying
that life was an illusion; karma was
also a convenient excuse for
foul-ups. In my mind echos: 'Sorry I
sold your baseball cards, Monkey,
but it's your karma, and life is
just an illusion anyway, boy.'" ~
Monkey, Inside Monkey Zetterland
* "The most important thing a father
can do for his children is to love
their mother." ~ Theodore Hesburgh
* "A truly rich man is one whose
children run into his arms when his
hands are empty." ~ Anonymous
* "One father is more than a hundred
schoolmasters." ~ George Herbert
* "Luke, I am your father." - Darth
* "Hell is full of dads." - George
* "A good father lives so he is a
credit to his children." ~ Arnold
* "What a father says to his
children is not heard by the world,
but it will be heard by posterity."
~ Jean Paul
* "Fathers should be neither seen
nor heard. That is the only proper
basis for family life." ~ Oscar
* "He didn't tell me how to live; he
lived, and let me watch him do it."
~ Clarence Budington Kelland
* "Blessed indeed is the man who
hears many gentle voices call him
father!" ~ Lydia M. Child, Philothea:
A Romance, 1836
* "A father is always making his
baby into a little woman. And when
she is a woman he turns her back
again." ~ Enid Bagnold
* "Sometimes the poorest man leaves
his children the richest
inheritance." ~ Ruth E. Renkel
* "Any man can be a father. It takes
someone special to be a dad." ~
Author Unknown
* "There are three stages of a man's
life: He believes in Santa Claus, he
doesn't believe in Santa Claus, he
is Santa Claus." ~ Author
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