At Sun Studio in Memphis Elvis Presley
called to life what would soon be known
as rock and roll with a voice that bore
strains of the Grand Ole Opry and Beale
Street, of country and the blues. At
that moment, he ensured — instinctively,
unknowingly — that pop music would never
again be as simple as black and white.
>> David Fricke in Rolling Stone (1986)
* There is something magical about
watching a man who has lost himself find
his way back home... He sang with the
kind of power people no longer expect
from rock 'n' roll singers.
>> John Landau, review of the TV Special
Elvis (1968).
* Ask anyone. If it hadn't been for
Elvis, I don't know where popular
music would be. He was the one that
started it all off, and he was
definitely the start of it for me.
>> Elton John
* He had total love in his eyes when
he performed. He was the total
androgynous beauty. I would practice
Elvis in front of the mirror when I
was twelve or thirteen years old.
>> k.d. lang
* Before Elvis, there was nothing.
>> John Lennon
* A lot has been written and said
about why he was so great, but I
think the best way to appreciate his
greatness is just to go back and
play some of the old records... Time
has a way of being very unkind to
old records, but Elvis' keep getting
better and better.
>> Huey Lewis
* When I first heard Elvis' voice, I
just knew that I wasn't going to
work for anybody, and nobody was
going to be my boss. He is the deity
supreme of rock and roll religion as
it exists in today's form. Hearing
him for the first time was like
busting out of jail. I thank God for
Elvis Presley.
>> Bob Dylan
* Don't blame it on Elvis, for shakin' his pelvis
Shakin' the pelvis been in style way
back since the River Nile
>> The Fabulous McClevertys, calypso
singers (1957)
* I learned music listening to
Elvis' records. His measurable
effect on culture and music was even
greater in England than in the
>> Mick Fleetwood
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