* Despair is the conclusion of fools.
o Benjamin Disraeli, in The Wondrous
Tale of Alroy, Pt. 10, Ch. 17
* Despair is the damp of hell; rejoicing
is the serenity of heaven.
o John Donne, p. 191.
* There is no despair so absolute as
that which comes with the first
moments of our first great sorrow,
when we have not yet known what it
is to have suffered and be healed,
to have despaired and have recovered
o George Eliot, in Adam Bede (1859)
* If either the absence or the
presence of novelty is equally
annoying, it would hardly seem that
either could be the true cause of
o Bertrand Russell, in Conquest of
Happiness (1930), Ch. 2: Byronic
* Reviewers, with some rare
exceptions, are a most stupid and
malignant race. As a bankrupt thief
turns thief-taker in despair, so an
unsuccessful author turns critic.
o Percy Bysshe Shelley, in
"Fragments of Adonais" in Relics of
Shelley (1862) edited by Richard
* Let despair be known
as my ebb-tide; but let prayer
have its springs, too, brimming,
disarming him; discovering somewhere
among his fissures deposits of mercy
where trust may take root and grow.
o R. S. Thomas, in "Tidal" in Mass
for Hard Times (1992), p. 43
* Mr. Fearing had, I think, a slough
of despond in his mind, a slough
that he carried everywhere with him,
or else he could never have been as
he was.
o John Bunyan, p. 191.
Despair is Freedom.
o Anonymous
* Don't you understand? Can't you
see? You're all going to die!
o Otto Witt, trying to convince the
garrison at Rourke's Drift to flee
(Film Zulu)
* Senator, I agree with you-and I
would also say that despair is not a
o General John Abizaid, in response
to Hillary Clinton's 'Hope is not a
* What we call despair is often only
the painful eagerness of unfed hope.
o George Eliot
* The specific character of despair
is precisely this: it is unaware of
being despair.
o Søren Kierkegaard
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