Bashfulness is an ornament to
youth, but a reproach to old
- Aristotle
have in England a particular
bashfulness in everything that
regards religion.”
Joseph Addison quotes (English
Essayist, Poet, Dramatist and
Statesman, 1672-1719)
* As those
that pull down private houses
adjoining to the temples of the
gods, prop up such parts as are
contiguous to them; so, in
undermining bashfulness, due regard
is to be had to adjacent modesty,
good-nature and humanity.
- Plutarch
“Have you no
modesty, no maiden shame,
No touch of bashfulness?”
William Shakespeare quotes (English
Dramatist, Playwright and Poet,
“In the bottle discontent seeks for
comfort, cowardice for courage, and
bashfulness for confidence”
Samuel Johnson quotes (English Poet,
Critic and Writer. 1709-1784)
Modesty is the graceful, calm virtue
of maturity; bashfulness the charm
of vivacious youth.
- Mary Wollstonecraft
* Women who are the least bashful
are not unfrequently the most
modest; and we are never more
deceived than when we would infer
any laxity of principle from that
freedom of demeanor which often
arises from a total ignorance of
- Charles Caleb Colton
“Mere bashfulness without merit is
Joseph Addison quotes (English
Essayist, Poet, Dramatist and
Statesman, 1672-1719)
Poverty has no
greater foe than bashfulness.”
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