I don't expect you soon to love me
I don't expect you soon to love me,
Nor are my own feelings clear.
Passion is the ornate entrance
To a world we crave and fear.
We cannot know where this will take
Nor whether we will ride for long,
But pleasure is the overture
That flows into the larger song.
So come with me with open mind
And heart, and we the time will
With laughter and with joy
And, perhaps, someday with love.
Nicholas Gordon
Why do I love you? ...
Why try to explain
What is inexplicable?
How to talk about an
adorable, mysterious love?
I love you because I need you,
A love without boundaries,
And I hope that
You need me too ...
I love you because I love you,
That's it ... it is so simple!
If I love you simply
Because I love to do,
And if I love to love you,
If I want you very much,
What would I wish from heaven?
To last all eternity!
I love you because I love you,
A love without boundaries,
I love you because I love you,
That's it ... it is so simple!
by Oriza Martins
go out and have some fun
Let's go out and have some fun.
It doesn't matter where or when,
Or what we say or what we do,
As long as it's just me and you.
Let's be together for a while
And get to know each other well,
Exchanging jokes and tales and
Before we get to things that
Let's see what happens when we
Across an evening sky, and
Below the stirrings of a sea
That might--or not--wind-haunted
Nicholas Gordon
It's amazing how I feel when I'm around you
It's amazing how I feel when I'm
around you,
How my heart pounds when you come into a room.
I look at you and think: My God! How lovely!
And everything I am bursts into bloom.
I feel as though you must, you must be mine,
Not as a possession but a goal,
Something almost unimaginable:
The free devotion of another soul.
As though I were about to enter heaven
Or just within the hour condemned to die,
My mind with one fierce thought keeps running over,
With you, and only you, the reason why.
Nicholas Gordon

“This is the true measure of
love: When we believe that we alone can love, that no
one could ever have loved so before us, and that no one
will ever love in the same way after us” - Goethe
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