* Love hath so long possessed me for his own
And made his lordship so familiar.
- La Vita Nuova, Chapter XXVIII (1293)
* Behold a God more powerful than I who comes to
rule over me.
- La Vita Nuova, Chapter II (1293)
* Love with delight discourses in my mind
Upon my lady's admirable gifts...
Beyond the range of human intellect.
- Il Convivio, Trattato Terzo, line 1
The Divine Comedy
Durante degli Alighieri,
better known as Dante, (c. 1 June 1265 – 13/14
September 1321) was an Italian Florentine poet.
His greatest work, La divina commedia (The
Divine Comedy), is considered as one of the
greatest literary statements produced in Europe
in the medieval period and it is the basis of
the modern Italian language.
hottest places in hell are reserved for those
who in times of great moral crisis maintain
their neutrality.
* John F. Kennedy misquoting Dante (24 June
1963) . Dante placed those who "non furon
ribelli né fur fedeli" — were neither for nor
against God, in a special region near the mouth
of Hell; the lowest part of Hell, a lake of ice,
was for traitors.
Dante Alighieri:
* And you,
beloved children, whose lot it is to promote
learning under the magisterium of the Church,
continue as you are doing to love and tend the noble
poet whom We do not hesitate to call the most
eloquent singer of the Christian idea. - Pope Benedict XV, In Praeclara Summorum
* Dante does not come before us as a large Catholic
mind; rather as a narrow, and even sectarian mind:
it is partly the fruit of his age and position, but
partly too of his own nature. His greatness has, in
all senses, concentred itself into fiery emphasis
and depth. He is world-great not because he is
world-wide, but because he is world-deep. Through
all objects he pierces as it were down into the
heart of Being. I know nothing so intense as Dante. - Thomas Carlyle, in "The Hero as Poet" from Heroes
and Hero-Worship (1841)
Next page
* I want my illustrations for the Dante to be like
the faint markings of moisture in a divine cheese...
Mysticism is cheese; Christ is cheese, better still,
mountains of cheese! o Salvador Dalí
* Dante is my spiritual food! - James Joyce
* Dante will always be admired, because no one ever
read him. - Voltaire
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