is more beautiful than you wearing only the
moonlight and my kisses."
"You are my passion,
my life, my love. Without you I would have
no reason to live. All the stars in the
universe could not replace what we have
together. I thank you for the love we have
and your gentleness. Never forget me, as I
will never forget you."
"Lovers don't
really need to 'give and take.' For once
you give you should not expect anything
in return."
"Love, an emotion
so strong that you would give up everything,
to just feel it once, to know that you are
part of something special. To know that you
can feel what love really is, to know, to
feel, to love."
"Love is like an hour glass, with the heart
filling up as the brain empties"-Jules
Love is not finding someone to live with;
It's finding someone you can't live without
-Rafael Ortiz
Love is like a butterfly. It goes where it
pleases and it pleases where it goes.
True love doesn't have a happy ending,
because true love never ends.
"At the touch of love everyone becomes a
poet."- Plato
Words, by Oriza Martins:

Good morning, my dear.
On this rising day, I wish to you the best
of things that can happen to someone. As for
me, it already did -- you, in my life! What
else could I desire for myself? Only to keep
my desire for you! I love you dearly...
tried to measure how much I love you...
impossible task. It is so much that the
conclusion is clear: my love for you knows
no bounds and it is infinite!
moments together are those more colorful,
more livid. When we're apart, seems that
part of me is gone and, on those moments, I
feel an complete despair, counting the
minutes until the moment to find myself with
you again. Never leave alone, love of my
night was wonderful... I still can feel the
taste of your kiss, the contact of your skin
against mine, the good chill that I have
with it... as much as I could dream in the
past, I never known how much happiness
one can have with someone to love... it is
great to be able to love you.