No sunset outshines
the light of your face, no star twinkles
more than your eyes, no moon will ever have
your mysterious charm and never will the sun
be more radiant than you.
The most beautiful
dream I've ever had is the one with you in
it, the deepest love I've ever felt is your
creation! The most beautiful world I've ever
seen is your eyes, and the most beautiful
vision I've ever had is you!
-You can buy presents
but you can’t buy love.
- If I close my
eyes...I see your light, if I hear your
voice...I listen to your soul, if I could
touch you...I'd feel your warmth, if you
were close to me...I'd be surrounded by the
smell of your skin.
Life isn't worth
living without love.
-My sweetie, I love you
above everything!

It hides deep inside of us
It pretends to sleep
It waits its hour
And all of a sudden, when we don't expect it anymore
It wakes up
It opens its jaws
And it won't let go of us.
Passion drags us, pushes us
And ends by imposing its law on us
And we obey.
What else can we do?

I love you not for
whom you are ,but who I am by your side.

I love you and I don't know if
someday I could make you happy.
The best solution for me is to disappear.
I do love you!
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